...If you need to know the different branches of civil engineering, one that has great ECONOMIC remuneration is referred to pavement design ...
http://ingetop.com.ve/web/?p=4 |
http://patriciaacunapavimentos.blogspot.com/2010/04/diseno-de-pavimentos.html |
The following summaries are about some of the items found on the next page web ...
making summaries is an easy way to understand the main ideas in this case on the
subject that interests us "pavement design"
subject that interests us "pavement design"
Key the following words were found along the summaries are important and necessary to understand the content of the articles.
- Pavement costs and quality:
When it comes time to build or rebuild a road
or streets, every agency needs several answers for basic but relevant
questions. These questions involve aspects such as type of pavement, initial
cost, cost of maintenance, quality of service and the time it will be used for.
Those aspects are vital in a complex selection of the pavement. For instance, the
pavement service life can vary between 25 to 40 years, but some surveys which
had been made showed that the concrete service life is by far the best material
for a highway or street relating to the time. However, the concrete it is not
good just for the life time but for the wide range of characteristics such a
lower cost of maintenance and best quality through the years for an equivalent
- Concrete pavements without subbases for light traffic:
The necessity of a subbase (a layer of granular
material placed on a prepared subgrade) depends on the frequency of heavy truck
loadings. It means that if the pavement is going to have a massive heavy truck
loads, the subbase is needed in order to prevent pavement pumping. This pumping
is the forceful ejection of a mixture of soil and water from under slab edges
and joint It is caused by frequent slab deflections under heavy wheel loads,
and eventually leads to the displacement of enough soil so that slab edges and
corners are left unsupported. Nevertheless, if the pavement does not have a
frequent heavy truck load, the subbase is not essential and does not add
significantly to pavement strength. To conclude, a subbase can improve the
quality of the pavement as long as this is needed.
- Fast full-depth pavement repair:
Fast full-depth pavement repair requires
removing and replacing at least a portion of a slap to the bottom of the
concret to can restore areas of deterioration and extend the pavement service
life. There are some factors that can help to reduce the time to install a full
depth to repair a concrete pavement; some of them are: choice of repair size
that means that is crucial to define the repair boundaries in order to complete
the work as quickly as possible.
Another factor is removing the old concrete.
It’s necessary isolate the area, separate the segment of deteriorated concrete
and remove the material with minimal damages, using full depth sawcuts. It
removes the material and over sawcuts sections the traffic can continue at the
same time.
It’s important installing dowels to
repair the jointed pavements specially when it’s about load transfer like in an
airport, because dowel slip into holes and preserve the slabs. Neumatic and
hydraulic instruments to drill holes are important to install dowels.
Other factors are selecting a repair material
like type 1, 2 or 3 of Portland cement with 2 to 4 inches to provide good
finishibility depending of the climate or traffic. Also there is other factor
that has the requirements to open the full depth repairs. It’s important to
have vehicles to transport the concrete to the area that is going to be repair
like a mix truck taking care of the measure and temperature of it.
- Proper use of isolation and expansion joints in concrete pavements
Isolation and expansion have the purpose of
allow the movement in a structure avoiding damages. Isolation joints the
pavement from a structure, a paved area or an immovable object. It joints
unsymmetrical intersections, ramps, bridges and in general when there is a
movement between the pavement and a structure. Some of them have dowels to
allow and guarantee the movement depending of the structure.
Isolation also has made to reduce the stress in
the slab with a joint filler material. It joints the drainage inlets and
manholes too.
Expansion is an old practice that isn’t used
anymore. In the past it was used to relieve the stress in the pavement and
prevent some damages specially in summer days. But some test concluded that
this practice brings more damages in pavements like faulting and corner breaks.
At present the pavement expansion joints are
only necessary in four cases: when the pavement is divided into long panels,
when it is constructed in temperatures below 40°F, when the contraction are
allowed to be infiltrated and when the pavement is constructed with high
expansion materials. Expansion has been replaced for a better design and a
construction of contraction joints.
Now: we invite you to view the following videos on the pavement design:
The civil engineering is a career that lets you experience in different fields that is why there are other interesting topics in the development of civil engineering, these are:
Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil
engineering and geological engineering that deals with the study of the
mechanical, hydraulic and engineering of materials from Earth
Geotechnical engineers investigate
the soil and rock below the surface to determine their properties and design of
foundations for structures such as buildings, bridges, power plants, stabilize
slopes, tunnels and roads and so on.
engineering Are responsable for laboratory testing of soil, seniors
engineer are individuals who are in charge of directing Project and staff
engineers and geotechnical explorations;
they also monitoring the progress and performance of geotechnical
engineers and field tecnic on the work site
Geotechnical engineers:
Geotechnical engineers make calculations for useful or not build in a particular, They usually work with the government for that are responsible for the way of tunnels, bridges and others. Geotechnical engineers investigate the soil and rock below the surfac.
It is the knowledge of
hydrology applied to profits and problem solving, as
in civil engineering. We applied to
hydrology studies of soils in which water is present, since
water is considered one of the most feared enemies in a building structural
work. On the other hand it allows us to find renewable
sources of drinking water and usable,
because they built aqueducts and sanitary networks.
If you want to build a bridge over a river, we must
analyze the behavior of the river for a good design of the
foundations of the bridge.
Civil engineering encompasses many types of
works, and most are often carried out hydrological
studies, as prerequisites for the project:
1. have information about the location of bodies of water, whether underground or surface water such as streams, drains, rivers, wells and wetlands.
2. Hydrometereological studies, rainwater distribution, fluxes and concentrations of moisture, such as field studies.
3. Water balance of the area, such as intermediate flows, precipitation, groundwater, floods, sediment and other specifications according to that required by the project.
1. have information about the location of bodies of water, whether underground or surface water such as streams, drains, rivers, wells and wetlands.
2. Hydrometereological studies, rainwater distribution, fluxes and concentrations of moisture, such as field studies.
3. Water balance of the area, such as intermediate flows, precipitation, groundwater, floods, sediment and other specifications according to that required by the project.
Fluid mechanics is the discipline
within the broad field of applied mechanics that is concerned with the behavior
of liquids and gases at rest or in motion. It covers a vast array of phenomena
that occur in nature (with or without human intervention), in biology, and in
numerous engineered, invented, or manufactured situations.
Difference between a solid and a fluid:
A solid is “hard” and not easily deformed;
whereas a fluid is “soft” and is easily deformed (we can readily move through
Steel is
utilized by engineers in several buildings, they are utilizing the
strength of steel to create some of the most
resistant avant-garde designed buildings of the twenty-first century.
Steel is strong enough to create large constructions without the need of
internal supports; yet, it is also malleable, making it possible to create
almost any building out of steel and metal components.
In the Middle Ages iron elements were used in the
aisles of the cathedrals.
The metal was used more frequently in the industrial revolution replacing wooden structures.
The metal was used more frequently in the industrial revolution replacing wooden structures.
There are two famous works of metal in the nineteenth
century: The first is the Crystal Palace
and the second is Eiffel Tower.
The sand and gravel normally occur in the same tank, but the relative proportions of each of the fractions vary greatly. Potential deposits of gravel and sand, like many mineral deposits should be explored and evaluated before being developed. The preliminary examination should establish the extent and nature of the deposit, this examination should be followed by a detailed program of research aimed at obtaining information on the quality and quantity of material available, the degree of uniformity throughout the tank in the regard to particle size, both vertically and horizontally; also be set the nature, quantity and economic feasibility of removing the material unusable.
The hydraulic engineer is responsible for studying and designing construction projects related to water, also build structures such as dams, dikes, canals, harbors, docks, etc.. This type of engineering is closely related to the ongoing investigation and the imposition of new projects.
The design and building bridges in the world is highly related to civil engineering, throughout history have created different types of bridges and analyzing them have been able to determine parameters for processing.
The bridges are of great importance to communicate large cities or towns where there is something that prevents this communication as a river, a gulf or ocean.
When carrying out the design of a bridge is necessary to determine the materials with which it is desired to take place this construction.
The bridges are of great importance to communicate large cities or towns where there is something that prevents this communication as a river, a gulf or ocean.
When carrying out the design of a bridge is necessary to determine the materials with which it is desired to take place this construction.
Dams are structures for holding and controlling large streams. According to the structure in which they are designed levees can be classified as a dam embankment gravity dam, arch dam, arch dam, etc..
Dams are necessary work and very common throughout the world, because they are so common materials that are constructed so they are, these materials may be metal, brick, wood, stone, and others.
Some dams are known throughout the world are: Itapui, the Three Gorges, and others in our country few dams are Chivor dam `s` s Betanian dam, the dam Jaguas.
Dams are necessary work and very common throughout the world, because they are so common materials that are constructed so they are, these materials may be metal, brick, wood, stone, and others.
Some dams are known throughout the world are: Itapui, the Three Gorges, and others in our country few dams are Chivor dam `s` s Betanian dam, the dam Jaguas.
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